Interested in local events, area information or doing business in Columbia Falls? Discover helpful resources from the Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce.

On vacation in Northwest Montana or Glacier National Park? Take a guided raft or hiking trip with Glacier Guides/Montana Raft or a horseback trip through Glacier Park with Swan Mountain Outfitters. Check with the Glacier Institute for a guided tour or an educational program. After a long day of exploring, enjoy a handcrafted spirit at Glacier Distilling on your way back to Columbia Falls and dinner at Backslope Brewing.

Looking for lodging in Columbia Falls, the Flathead Valley or Glacier National Park area? Visit the Cedar Creek Lodge or Vacasa for high quality lodging options during your next adventure.





November 12- Columbia Falls Rotary

December 3- CRY-J

December 17-K9 Foundation

January 7-Glacier Queer Alliance

If you are interested in applying for a Community Benefit Day complete and return this application.